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How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

Heading 9. Packaging


Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan. Packaging is a critical element of product presentation, protection, and marketing. It serves to contain, protect, and showcase your products, as well as convey information about your brand. Here are important considerations for effective packaging:


Ø Product Protection:


  • The primary purpose of packaging is to protect your products from damage, contamination, and environmental factors. Ensure that your packaging adequately safeguards the contents.

Ø Material Selection:


  • Choose packaging materials that are appropriate for your products. Options include cardboard, plastic, glass, and metal. Consider the sustainability of your materials and whether they are recyclable or eco-friendly.

Ø Functionality:


  • Bundling ought to be not difficult to open, close, and use. It should also be designed for the specific needs of the product, such as resealable bags for snacks or spill-proof lids for liquids.

Ø Brand Identity:


  • Packaging is an extension of your brand. Use it to reinforce your brand identity with consistent colors, logos, typography, and design elements.

Ø Information and Labeling:


  • Include essential information on the packaging, such as product name, ingredients, usage instructions, safety warnings, and contact information. Compliance with labeling regulations is crucial.

Ø Eco-Friendly Packaging:


  • Consider sustainable packaging options to reduce your environmental footprint. This can include using recyclable materials, minimizing excess packaging, and reducing plastic use.

Ø Visual Appeal:


  • Make your packaging visually appealing to attract customers. A well-designed package can set your product apart from competitors and increase sales.

Ø Size and Dimensions:


  • Ensure that the dimensions of your packaging are appropriate for the product. Overly bulky or wasteful packaging can deter eco-conscious customers.

Ø Cost Considerations:


  • Balance the longing for top notch bundling with cost contemplations. Striking the right balance can help manage expenses without compromising quality.

Ø Packaging for Shipping:

  • If you sell products online, design packaging that is suitable for shipping. It should protect products during transit and minimize breakage.


Ø Testing:

  •  Test your packaging for durability and functionality. This includes drop tests, stress tests, and assessments of how well it withstands various conditions.


Ø Shelf Presence:

  •  Consider how your item will look on store racks. Packaging should be designed to stand out and attract customers in a retail environment.


Ø Compliance with Regulations:

  •  Be aware of packaging regulations that may apply to your industry. These can include safety standards, labeling requirements, and environmental regulations.


Ø Customer Experience:

  •  Bundling is many times the principal substantial communication clients have with your item. Make it a positive and paramount experience.

Ø Storage and Transportation:

  •  Consider the ease of storing and transporting packaged products. Efficient packaging can save space and reduce shipping costs.


Effective packaging can influence purchasing decisions, create brand recognition, and contribute to customer satisfaction. It's essential to balance aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability while considering the specific needs of your products and target audience.

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

Heading 10. Staff Training


Staff training is a critical aspect of running a successful business. Well-trained employees are more productive, knowledgeable, and better equipped to provide excellent customer service. Here are key considerations for effective staff training:


Ø Needs Assessment:


  • Before developing a training program, assess the needs of your staff. Identify skill gaps, areas for improvement, and any specific training requirements.

Ø Clear Objectives:


  • Define clear training objectives and goals. What should employees be able to do or know after completing the training? Having measurable goals helps evaluate the effectiveness of the training.

Ø Training Plan:


  • Develop a comprehensive training plan that outlines the training content, methods, and schedules. This plan should cover the entire training process, from onboarding to ongoing development.

Ø Onboarding and Orientation:


  • Ensure that new employees receive a thorough orientation that includes an introduction to company culture, policies, and an overview of their job roles and responsibilities.

Ø Hands-On Training:


  • Provide practical, hands-on training when applicable. Permit representatives to rehearse their abilities in a controlled climate.

Ø Training Materials:


  • Create or source training materials, such as manuals, guides, videos, or e-learning modules, to support training efforts.

Ø Employee Involvement:


  • Involve employees in the training process. Encourage them to provide feedback, ask questions, and participate actively in their own development.

Ø Training Methods:


  • Choose appropriate training methods based on the content and audience. These may include in-person workshops, online courses, mentoring, or job shadowing.

Ø Trainers and Instructors:


  • Select qualified trainers or instructors who have expertise in the subject matter and can effectively convey information to learners.

Ø Ongoing Training:

  • Training should not be a one-time event. Implement ongoing training and professional development to keep employees up to date with industry trends and changes.


Ø Role-Specific Training:

  • Tailor training to the specific roles and responsibilities of your staff. Not all workers need a similar preparation.


Ø Soft Skills:

  • Consider the development of soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and customer service. These abilities are significant in different work jobs.


Ø Compliance Training:

  •  Ensure that staff receive necessary compliance training related to safety, security, legal requirements, and industry-specific regulations.


Ø Performance Measurement:

  •  Implement performance metrics to measure the effectiveness of training. This can include employee evaluations, customer feedback, and productivity data.


Ø Continuous Improvement:

  •  Continuously assess the training program's effectiveness and make adjustments as needed to address evolving needs.


Ø Feedback and Evaluation:

  • Regularly gather feedback from employees regarding their training experiences. Use their input to refine and improve the training process.


Ø Recognition and Incentives:

  •  Recognize and reward employees who excel in their training and professional development. This can motivate others to actively engage in training efforts.


Ø Legal and Ethical Training:

  •  Ensure that employees are aware of and trained on legal and ethical guidelines related to their job roles.


Effective staff training not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to the overall success of your business. It can enhance employee morale, reduce turnover, and ultimately improve the quality of your products or services. Tailoring training to the specific needs of your staff and your industry is key to achieving the best results.

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

Heading 11. Marketing


Marketing is a crucial component of any business strategy, as it involves promoting your products or services to reach and engage with potential customers. Effective marketing can help you attract, retain, and satisfy customers, ultimately driving business growth. Here are key considerations for a successful marketing strategy:


Ø Market Research:


  • Start with thorough market research to understand your target audience, competition, and industry trends. Identify customer needs, preferences, and pain points.

Ø Target Audience:


  • Define your target audience or customer personas. Tailor your marketing efforts to address the specific needs and interests of your ideal customers.

Ø Marketing Plan:


  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that outlines your goals, strategies, tactics, budget, and timelines. A well-structured plan serves as a roadmap for your marketing efforts.

Ø Brand Identity:


  • Ensure a strong and consistent brand identity, including a compelling logo, colors, fonts, and messaging that resonate with your target audience.

Ø Online Presence:


  • Establish and maintain a strong online presence, including a professional website, social media profiles, and any other online platforms relevant to your industry.

Ø Content Marketing:


  • Make significant and applicable substance to connect with and illuminate your crowd. This can consolidate blog sections, accounts, computerized communicates, and infographics.

Ø Search Engine Optimization (SEO):


  • Optimize your online content for search engines to improve your visibility in search results and drive organic traffic to your website.

Ø Paid Advertising:


  • Consider paid advertising strategies, such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, display ads, and social media advertising, to reach a wider audience quickly.

Ø Social Media Marketing:


  • Leverage social media platforms to connect with your audience, share content, and engage in conversations. Choose the platforms that align with your target audience.

Ø Email Marketing:

  •  Implement email marketing campaigns to nurture leads, communicate with customers, and share promotions or updates.


Ø Influencer Marketing:

  • Partner with influencers or industry experts to promote your products or services, especially if your target audience values recommendations from trusted sources.


Ø Public Relations:

  • Build relationships with media outlets and engage in public relations activities to gain media coverage and increase your business's visibility.


Ø Analytics and Data:

  •  Use information and examination to gauge the adequacy of your promoting endeavors. Change your techniques in light of the exhibition information.


Ø Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

  • Carry out a CRM framework to oversee and sustain client connections. Personalized communication can enhance customer loyalty.


Ø Marketing Automation:

  • Use marketing automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks, such as email marketing and lead nurturing.


Ø Competitive Analysis:

  •  Continuously monitor your competitors and adapt your marketing strategies to stay competitive.


Ø Customer Feedback:

  • Listen to customer feedback to understand their needs and improve your products or services. Address their concerns promptly and effectively.


Ø Legal and Ethical Considerations:

  • Ensure that your marketing practices comply with legal and ethical guidelines, including privacy regulations and advertising standards.


Ø Budget Management:

  •  Manage your marketing budget effectively, allocating resources to strategies that provide the best return on investment.


Marketing is an ongoing effort that requires adaptability, creativity, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By developing a well-rounded marketing strategy and consistently evaluating its performance, you can effectively promote your business and achieve your goals.

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

Heading 12. Pricing


Pricing is a crucial element of your business strategy, as it directly impacts your revenue, profitability, and the perceived value of your products or services. Here are key considerations for effective pricing:


Ø Cost Analysis:


  • Begin by understanding the costs associated with producing or providing your products or services. This incorporates direct expenses (materials, work) and aberrant expenses (above, showcasing).

Ø Pricing Strategy:


  • Pick an estimating procedure that lines up with your business objectives. Normal procedures incorporate expense in addition to estimating, esteem based valuing, serious evaluating, and dynamic evaluating.

Ø Competitive Analysis:


  • Research and analyze the prices set by your competitors. This can help you determine how your pricing compares and whether you can justify premium or discount pricing.

Ø Value Proposition:


  • Obviously impart the worth your items or administrations proposition to clients. Highlight what sets you apart from competitors and justifies your pricing.

Ø Customer Segmentation:


  • Segment your customer base based on their willingness to pay, preferences, and needs. Consider offering different pricing tiers or packages for different customer segments.

Ø Price Sensitivity:


  • Understand how price-sensitive your target audience is. Conduct market research to gauge how changes in pricing may affect customer behavior.

Ø Pricing Models:


  • Consider different pricing models, such as subscription pricing, tiered pricing, or pay-as-you-go pricing, based on the nature of your business and products.

Ø Discounts and Promotions:


  • Use discounts and promotions strategically to attract new customers, encourage repeat business, and clear out excess inventory.

Ø Psychological Pricing:


  • Utilize psychological pricing techniques, such as setting prices just below round numbers (e.g., $9.99 instead of $10), to influence customer perception.

Ø Bundle Pricing:

  •  Bundle related products or services to offer cost savings and added value to customers. This can boost sales and increase the perceived value of your offerings.


Ø Dynamic Pricing:

  • For some industries, consider implementing dynamic pricing that adjusts based on factors like demand, time, or user behavior.


Ø Pricing Software:

  •  Use pricing software or tools to analyze data, set optimal prices, and make pricing decisions based on real-time information.


Ø Transparency:

  • Be transparent about your pricing, especially for online businesses. Hidden fees or unclear pricing can lead to customer distrust.


Ø Test and Adjust:

  • Continuously test and adjust your pricing to optimize your strategy. A/B testing can help identify the most effective pricing points.


Ø Customer Feedback:

  • Solicit feedback from customers regarding your pricing strategy. Their insights can provide valuable information for adjustments.


Ø Legal Considerations:

  • Ensure that your pricing practices comply with legal and regulatory standards. Be aware of price-fixing, anti-trust laws, and any industry-specific regulations

Ø Profit Margins:

  • Watch out for your overall revenues. Ensure that your pricing strategy allows for sufficient profitability to sustain and grow your business.


Ø Currency and Payment Options:

  • Offer pricing in different currencies, and provide various payment options to accommodate international customers.


Effective pricing is a balance between achieving profitability and delivering value to customers. Regularly evaluate and adapt your pricing strategy to remain competitive and responsive to market changes. Understanding your customers, monitoring the competition, and aligning your pricing with your overall business strategy are all essential components of successful pricing.

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

Heading 13. Inventory Management


Inventory management is the process of efficiently overseeing, controlling, and optimizing your business's inventory or stock. Effective inventory management is essential for maintaining a steady supply of products, preventing overstocking or understocking, and maximizing profitability. Here are key considerations for effective inventory management:


Ø Inventory Categories:


  • Categorize your inventory into groups, such as raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods. This helps you better track and manage each type.

Ø Stock Levels:


  • Set minimum and maximum stock levels for each inventory category. This ensures you reorder or produce items at the right time to maintain an optimal level.

Ø Forecasting:


  • Utilize verifiable deals information, market patterns, and irregularity to precisely conjecture interest. Solid interest estimating is essential for stock preparation.

Ø ABC Analysis:


  • Implement an ABC analysis, where you categorize items into A, B, and C groups based on their importance and value. Focus your efforts on managing high-value items more closely.



  • Comprehend the ideas of "Earliest in, earliest out" (FIFO) and "Toward the end In, First-Out" (LIFO). Choose the method that best fits your inventory and accounting needs.

Ø Safety Stock:


  • Maintain a safety stock level to account for unexpected increases in demand, supplier delays, or other disruptions. The safety stock acts as a buffer to prevent stockouts.

Ø Inventory Turnover:


  • Calculate your inventory turnover rate to assess how quickly inventory is sold or used. A high turnover rate shows effective stock administration.

Ø Vendor Management:


  • Develop strong relationships with suppliers and consider just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems to minimize carrying costs and ensure a fresh supply.

Ø Inventory Software:


  • Utilize inventory management software to automate tracking, order processing, and data analysis. Modern software solutions can streamline the process.

Ø Barcoding and RFID:

  • Implement barcoding or radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems for more accurate tracking and control over your inventory.


Ø Audit and Cycle Counting:

  • Conduct regular inventory audits or cycle counting to verify the accuracy of your stock levels and detect discrepancies.


Ø Cross-Functional Team:

  • Involve multiple departments, including purchasing, sales, and finance, in the inventory management process to ensure alignment with business objectives.


Ø Deadstock Management:

  •  Identify and manage deadstock (items that are not selling) to free up capital and storage space.


Ø Returns and Exchanges:

  •  Lay out clear arrangements for dealing with returns and trades. Determine whether returned items can be resold or need to be written off.


Ø Sustainability:

  • Consider environmentally responsible inventory management practices, such as reducing waste and sourcing sustainable materials.


Ø Vendor Negotiations:

  •  Negotiate favorable terms with suppliers, such as payment terms, bulk discounts, and reliable delivery schedules.


Ø Technology and Automation:

  • Embrace technology and automation to streamline processes, improve accuracy, and reduce the risk of human error in inventory management.


Ø Data Analytics:

  • Use data analytics to identify patterns and trends in inventory management, allowing for more informed decision-making.


Effective inventory management can result in cost savings, increased profitability, and improved customer satisfaction. It's a dynamic process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustments to align with market changes and business growth. By optimizing your inventory, you can maintain a competitive edge and better meet customer demands.

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

Heading 14. Customer Feedback



Collecting and utilizing customer feedback is a valuable practice for improving your products, services, and overall customer experience. Here are key considerations for effective customer feedback management:


Ø Feedback Channels:


  • Offer multiple channels for customers to provide feedback, including online surveys, in-person interactions, email, phone, and social media. Make it simple for clients to share their contemplations.

Ø Timely Collection:


  • Gather feedback at various stages of the customer journey, such as after a purchase, customer service interaction, or product use. Real-time feedback is often the most valuable.

Ø Open and Anonymous Feedback:


  • Provide options for customers to submit feedback anonymously, as well as through open channels. Some customers may be more candid with anonymous feedback.

Ø Clear Communication:


  • Clearly communicate to customers that their feedback is valuable and that you appreciate their input. Urge them to share their considerations and concerns.

Ø Feedback Surveys:


  • Create structured feedback surveys with a mix of multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions. This allows for both quantitative and qualitative data collection.

Ø Listen Actively:


  • Actively listen to customers when they express their concerns or praise. Acknowledge their feedback and show empathy toward their experiences.

Ø Consistent Monitoring:


  • Continuously monitor feedback channels to stay informed about customer sentiment. Implement tools and processes for tracking feedback effectively.

Ø Feedback Analysis:


  • Analyze feedback data to identify recurring issues or areas for improvement. Use data analytics tools to derive meaningful insights.

Ø Categorize Feedback:


  • Categorize feedback into themes or categories. This helps you prioritize and address common issues or opportunities.

Ø Customer Personas:

  • Consider creating customer personas based on feedback data to better understand your audience and tailor your products and services to their preferences.

Ø Positive Feedback:

  • Don't overlook positive feedback. Celebrate and share success stories, which can boost employee morale and customer trust.


Ø Actionable Feedback:

  •  Focus on feedback that can be acted upon and make necessary changes or improvements based on the feedback you receive.


Ø Response Mechanism:

  •  Develop a system for responding to customer feedback. Acknowledge receipt, provide updates on resolutions, and express gratitude for their input.


Ø Employee Training:

  • Train employees in customer feedback handling. Ensure they understand the importance of feedback and how to address customer concerns effectively.


Ø Continuous Improvement:

  •  Use feedback as a driver for continuous improvement in your products, services, and customer experience.


Ø Share Feedback Internally:

  •  Share feedback within your organization, not only with customer-facing teams but with all relevant departments. Feedback can inform strategic decisions.


Ø Closing the Feedback Loop:

  • Let customers know how their feedback led to changes or improvements. Closing the feedback loop demonstrates responsiveness and builds trust.


Ø Customer Feedback Culture:

  • Foster a culture of customer feedback within your organization, where all employees are encouraged to seek and act on customer input.


Ø Legal and Ethical Considerations:

  •  Ensure that your feedback practices comply with data protection and privacy regulations.


Customer feedback is a valuable source of insights that can drive innovation, increase customer satisfaction, and guide your business decisions. By actively seeking, analyzing, and responding to feedback, you can build stronger customer relationships and a more successful business.

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

Heading 15. Compliance



Compliance in a business context refers to adhering to laws, regulations, and industry standards that apply to your industry and operations. It involves ensuring that your business conducts its activities in a legal and ethical manner. Here are key considerations for effective compliance management:


Ø Understand Applicable Regulations:


  • Identify and understand the relevant laws and regulations that govern your industry. These can include local, state, national, and international regulations.

Ø Compliance Officer or Team:


  • Appoint a compliance officer or team responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance within your organization.

Ø Compliance Policies and Procedures:


  • Develop and document compliance policies and procedures that outline the rules and guidelines your business must follow to remain compliant.

Ø Employee Training:


  • Train your employees on compliance policies, regulations, and ethical standards. Ensure that they understand the importance of compliance and know how to report violations.

Ø Regular Audits and Assessments:


  • Conduct regular internal audits and risk assessments to identify compliance gaps and areas that need improvement.

Ø Data Protection:


  • Comply with data protection and privacy regulations, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), to protect customer data.

Ø Financial Compliance:


  • Ensure financial compliance, including accurate financial reporting, tax compliance, and adherence to accounting standards (e.g., GAAP or IFRS).

Ø Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery:


  • Implement anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies to prevent illegal practices. Train employees to recognize and report bribery or corruption.

Ø Environmental Regulations:


  • Comply with environmental laws and regulations, especially if your business has an environmental impact. Implement sustainable practices and initiatives.

Ø Supply Chain Compliance:

  • Assess and monitor your supply chain for compliance, especially if you source products or materials from regions with different regulatory standards.


Ø Export Control:

  • If your business is involved in international trade, be aware of export control laws and regulations that may apply to your products.


Ø Licensing and Permits:

  • Acquire the fundamental licenses and allows to work legitimately inside your locale. Stay informed about renewal requirements.


Ø Record Keeping:

  •  Maintain accurate and organized records of transactions, activities, and compliance-related documents.


Ø Whistleblower Policies:

  •  Establish a whistleblower policy that allows employees to report compliance violations or unethical behavior without fear of retaliation.


Ø Third-Party Due Diligence:

  •  Conduct due diligence on third-party vendors, suppliers, and partners to ensure they also comply with applicable regulations and ethical standards.


Ø Crisis Management and Response Plans:

  • Develop crisis management plans to address potential compliance violations or ethical breaches. Include protocols for addressing issues promptly.


Ø Legal Support:

  • Consult with legal counsel to stay informed about changes in laws and regulations that may impact your business. Seek legal advice when needed.


Ø Ethical Culture:

  • Foster an ethical organizational culture where compliance with laws and regulations is seen as a shared responsibility and a core value.


Ø Reporting and Enforcement:

  • Establish procedures for reporting compliance violations and enforce penalties or corrective actions as necessary.


Effective compliance management is essential for avoiding legal and financial risks, protecting your reputation, and building trust with customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Regularly assess and update your compliance practices to stay current with changing regulations and industry standards.

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

Heading 16. Financial Management


Monetary administration is a basic part of maintaining a fruitful business. It involves planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring your financial resources to achieve your company's goals. Effective financial management can help you make informed decisions, ensure financial stability, and support business growth. Here are key contemplations for monetary administration:


Ø Budgeting:


  • Create a detailed budget that outlines your expected income and expenses. Monitor your actual financial performance against the budget to identify variances.

Ø Financial Planning:


  • Develop a financial plan that sets specific financial objectives and strategies for achieving them. This plan should align with your overall business goals.

Ø Cash Flow Management:


  • Manage your cash flow by monitoring your inflows (revenue, loans, investments) and outflows (expenses, salaries, loan repayments). Ensure you have sufficient cash on hand to meet your financial obligations.

Ø Accounting and Bookkeeping:


  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records using sound accounting and bookkeeping practices. This includes recording all financial transactions and reconciling accounts.

Ø Financial Statements:


  • Prepare and regularly review key financial statements, including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, to assess your business's financial health.

Ø Cost Management:


  • Monitor and control costs to maximize profitability. Distinguish regions where you can diminish costs without compromising quality.

Ø Investment Analysis:


  • Assess potential investments and capital expenditures. Evaluate their returns and risks to determine whether they align with your financial goals.

Ø Risk Management:


  • Identify financial risks that could impact your business, such as market risks, credit risks, or operational risks. Foster gamble the executives techniques and alternate courses of action.

Ø Debt Management:


  • If your business has debt, manage it effectively. Make loan payments on time and explore opportunities to refinance or consolidate debt for better terms.

Ø Revenue Generation:

  • Focus on revenue generation strategies, such as marketing, sales, and product development, to grow your income streams.


Ø Working Capital:

  •  Maintain a healthy working capital by managing your current assets and liabilities. Ensure that you can meet short-term financial obligations.


Ø Financial Controls:

  •  Establish internal controls and policies to prevent fraud and mismanagement of funds. Ensure segregation of duties to reduce the risk of financial improprieties.


Ø Tax Planning:

  • Implement tax planning strategies to optimize your tax position and take advantage of available tax deductions and credits.


Ø Financial Analysis:

  •  Regularly analyze your financial data to identify trends, strengths, and weaknesses. Use financial ratios and metrics to assess your business's performance.


Ø Legal Compliance:

  • Ensure that your financial practices comply with tax laws, accounting standards, and financial regulations.


Ø Emergency Fund:

  • Maintain an emergency fund or reserve to cover unexpected expenses or economic downturns.


Ø Financial Software:

  • Use financial software or tools to streamline financial management, track expenses, and generate reports.

Ø Professional Advice:

  • Consider seeking advice from financial professionals, such as accountants, financial advisors, or business consultants, to make informed financial decisions.


Ø Financial Transparency:

  • Maintain transparency with stakeholders, including investors, lenders, and employees, regarding your company's financial performance and prospects.


Effective financial management is crucial for long-term business sustainability and success. By maintaining a strong financial position, you can weather economic challenges, make strategic investments, and achieve your business objectives. Regularly review and adjust your financial management strategies as your business evolves.


Remember that starting and running a successful pan shop in Pakistan, or any location, requires careful planning, dedication, and attention to detail. It's also a good idea to conduct market research to understand the preferences of your target customers and adapt your offerings accordingly.

How To Pan Shop Display And get Price in Pakistan (part 2)

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